Watching movies in Japanese


Today I’ll watch a movie in Japanese! I think the best way to learn a language is to do things you like in that language. For example, watching series (like LOST) in English, or watching Japanese movies. Of course, I don’t expect to understand anything, but I least I hope to improve my listening skills, reading the subtitles in Hiragana.

To play it with MPlayer (my favorite player), you need to do something first:

  • Well, of course, you need to have a movie with Japanese audio and subtitles, but that’s quite obvious.
  • Second, find out which encoding are using the subtitles. These can be in EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, or UTF-8. You can use Firefox to find out, or MPlayer itself. At th beginning I only got garbage. I suggest converting those to UTF-8: iconv --from-code=Shift_JIS --to-code=utf-8 -c -o
  • Third, use a special font to render the subtitles. If you installed MPlayer from Debian repositories, Kochi Mincho should be available.

Watching 千と千尋の神隠し with Japanese subtitles

The whole command I use is:

mplayer spirited-away.avi -sub -utf8 -fontconfig -font "Kochi Mincho" -vf expand=0:-100:0:0 -fs

With the expand video filter, you will be able to actually read the subtitles, otherwise they mix with the video. I always use this option to watch films with subs.

Well, I hope this mini-post will be useful to someone. At least I’m gonna enjoy a wonderful movie tonight! 😉


3 Responses to Watching movies in Japanese

  1. korrey says:

    Oh, Chihiro! 🙂 Com anà, pillaves alguna cosa?

  2. xesc says:

    Bueeeeno, vaig entendre quan cridava a son pare i sa mare: “Otosan! Okasan!” i algunes paraules més sueltes, però lo que se diu pillar, pillar, no gaire cosa. Crec que l’hauré de mirar unes quantes vegades més. Sort que ja me sabia l’argument.

    De totes formes, lo bo de triar una peli que t’agrada, és que cada vegada que la mires li trobes alguna cosa nova en la que no havies caigut. Les meves nebodes poden mirar “Nemo” 3 vegades en un dia i no se cansen. Els hi encanta!

    I a vegades tampoc fa falta entendre el que diuen per saber de què va, o disfrutar de les imatges com un nin petit. Ahir vespre m’ho vaig passar pipa. Tant, que he decidit mirar algunes pelis més de’n Miyazaki, un cop per setmana, potser els dilluns després de classe. 🙂

  3. […] he ressuscitat la meva passió, mirant totes les pelis en VO (així com toca!). Si puc, intent aconseguir els subtítols en hiragana (sil.labari japonès), per així saber exactament que diuen. Per entendre necessit mirar-ho altre […]

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