I’ve killed it

I knew it will happen… Putting all dirty clothes together is not a good idea. I should start separating cotton from wool. Damn, I hate myself. Well, I guess you already know what happened. In addition to my two “extra” large T-shirts, I have now a “lilliput” pull over. The worst is that it was one of my favourites! I have plenty of awful clothes I want to give away, but no, I’ve killed a nice one instead. Anyway, I hope I can still buy it again in XL version, just in case. I suppose someone can still use the S version.

The funny thing is that I always blame my mother, because she destroys all my wool pullovers. Well, today I did it myself. Sorry, mum.

One Response to I’ve killed it

  1. guillem says:

    La darrera que vaig fer jo: vaig posar una gorra blava nova amb la roba blanca. Ara tenc roba cel 😛

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